Quote Originally Posted by taillat View Post
Please consider Winning the Battle Building Peace: Land Forces in Present and Future Conflicts from the Centre de Doctrine d'Emploi des Forces.
And its in English! Thanks for the link - its an interesting read. The 1898 quote from General Gallieni yet again reemphasizes that although today's context is significantly different, much of what we are trying to do is deeply rooted in the history of military doctrinal thought and conceptualization.

A country has not been conquered and pacified when the people have been decimated by military operations and bowed down in terror; once the initial fright has subsided, seeds of revolt will take root that will be further nourished by the built-up rancour due to the brutality of the initial action.

The best way to attain peace is to combine force with politics. We must remember that destruction must be used as a last recourse, and even then only in order to build something better in the end…..Each time an officer is required to act against a village in a war, he needs to remember that his first duty, after securing submission of the local population, is to rebuild the village, reorganize the local market and establish a school. The process of establishing peace and future organization in a country will come from the combined use of force and politics. Political action is by far the most important. It derives its strength from the country's organization and its inhabitants.