Sounds like the junior Senator from NY and presidental canidate has already started.

The Army is already adding some caveats to the allegations, but it still doesn't pass the common sense test.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., upon learning of the controversy, issued her own statement critical of the overall bureaucracy confounding active-duty and former members of the military.

“If these allegations are true, they run counter to our nation’s pledge made to our men and women in uniform,” Clinton said. “It is our duty to eliminate obstacles standing in the way of our disabled service members and veterans, not to create them. Our wounded should not have to deal with endless bureaucratic red tape just to receive the basic care entitled to them.”

She sent a letter to Secretary of the Army Pete Geren asking for an independent investigation.
Army's response here ...

.... Statements from the VA and Army officials dispute that, saying the Army merely made VA officials in Buffalo aware their workers were helping with paperwork they were not trained to handle. The VA said they felt it was “inappropriate” for their workers to use VA standards for paperwork on Army documents. The VA would neither confirm or deny that Army officials directed them to stop helping.

Both Congressman McHugh and Senator Clinton have expressed concerns over the report. McHugh met yesterday with the Army Surgeon General, who told him no orders or directions came from the group of Army representatives. He says he will wait until he hears the VA’s side of the story before saying more.

Senator Clinton has called for the Secretary of the Army to open a Pentagon investigation on the allegations.
I'm with Donna Shalala, the whole system needs to be canned.