Quote Originally Posted by Coldstreamer View Post
An enormous degree of excellent analysis in all of this, but I must say a few -namely the gallant Will F Owen (holding his ground in the best infantry traditions) fail to understand the real utility of all unarmed combat, with edged weapons or otherwise.

Its for throwing your weight around when you're off duty, showing off in front of chicks in your boxer shorts once you've lured them back to your 'love dojo', and escaping from yobbos on the Kings Road after you've provoked them into violence by your Alpha Male vibes.

Most specialist forms of this art: FISH (fighting in some one's house), FIBAR (fighting in bars and restaurants) and RAWD (running away with dignity). The latter involves a few hand chops at the air, possibly a roll or two before fleeing at top speed.
Thank you, the House Hold Division Representative. Having spent a bit of time conducting FART (fighting around town) in can only concur with your analysis.

I have no problem skilling the boys up with a few shrewd moves, placed in the context of an operational reality, but I cannot, and probably never will see the point in teaching line infantry how to use a bayonet, or giving him one to use! - and I can'e see the point in foot drill either!!