Quote Originally Posted by marct View Post
Just wanted to thank you for posting it . Comments, criticism, etc. all welcome. This is the pre-conference draft and the final version isn't due until after the conference.

I am not sure criticism will be welcome. From reading this through once I think it took 32 pages to say what could have been done in 5.

I am also somewhat troubled by the choice of complex languages and ideas. It is my experience that assuming a reader knows what "Habermas' theory of communicative action" inoculates you from criticism since few are prepared to stand up and say "i don't get it" for fear of looking ignorant.

Well, I may have left school at 16 and only been an NCO, but I don't get it. I am not sure this paper helps our understanding of the problem. If some one can simplify this paper to make it more accessible, I'd be very grateful.