Hi Wilf,

Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
I am not sure criticism will be welcome. From reading this through once I think it took 32 pages to say what could have been done in 5.
Criticism is always welcome - even if I don't like it . On the page length, yeah, you are right although I think 8 pages would be more like it (more later).

Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
I am also somewhat troubled by the choice of complex languages and ideas. It is my experience that assuming a reader knows what "Habermas' theory of communicative action" inoculates you from criticism since few are prepared to stand up and say "i don't get it" for fear of looking ignorant.
Hmmm, good point and it's a part of academic writing that I think has been ingrained in me. The language is complex because I try and use it in a very precise manner, which was not easy. The ideas are complex because I think the reality is complex and we have gotten into too much drek by assuming that things will be easy.

The final reason, and it gets back to your comment on the length,was that the conference itself is billed as "academic" and that is the genre. Okay, that's a cop out in some ways despite the fact it's true . Let me put it this way - I tried to aim the language, and paper, at a very specific audience using the language and form I did to start a discussion. If somebody doesn't know about Habermas, that's cool - you don't have to and, o be quite honest, I wasted too much time learning his stuff.

Forgive me, but I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here. What in the frak is wrong with saying you don't know something? There is something really wrong with any culture that requires people to act as if they know and, in reality, don't. Honestly, it really burns my bu&& ! I see it in too many of my students and colleagues and, while I actually do understand where it comes from (and I could explain it in excruciating academic detail), I think it is one of the stupidest things we, as a species, have come up with!

Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
Well, I may have left school at 16 and only been an NCO, but I don't get it. I am not sure this paper helps our understanding of the problem. If some one can simplify this paper to make it more accessible, I'd be very grateful.
Wilf, thank you! BTW, my grandfather left school after grade 3 (around 8) and was an NCO. My father-in-law never graduated from high school and was an NCO. They were two of the smartest people I ever knew. Tell you what, why don't you shot me off an email and we'll see if between us we can come up with a version you think is accessible.
