Quote Originally Posted by Rex Brynen View Post
My broader point is to point out the dangers of cultural awareness training that over-emphasizes the differences without recognizing the similarities—and assumes that there is a fixed "mind set" which determines the behaviour of all of the locals, regardless of class, gender, education, occupation, interests, etc.
There is a point to be made in reference to training. As concerns differences, I think it is worth noting that the Western conspiracy theories, only rarely support violent acts. Those that do support violent acts, tend to mirror ideas commonly found in the Middle East.

Despite growing up as soldier, I used to believe in the power of rational argument, discussion and logic. Time in Middle East, just made me realise that a large number of people are unreasonable, though rational, and want to find an excuse to justify the violent actions they think give them credibility.

...and on a more humorous note, a friend and I were discussing, if in military thought terms, were we, the "Classical Clausewitz and Foch guys," the militants, or where the "OODA-loopy Effects Boydain Manoeuvrists" the un-washed infidels of the deviated teaching.