I first saw the system almost 8 years ago at AWE 2000.

My fiirst question was "Why?" and the answer came back largely as "Because we want to spend money on Soldiers."

My next question was what are the various signatures: thermal, IR, electronic. Thermal was easy" the batteries got so hot the soldiers needed pads to keep from getting burned. The others were more problematic to which I asked, "Does no one recognize that you are making "stealthy" infantry unstealthy?"

Those were minor pints compared, however, to the original "Why?" Every Soldier does not need pull down windows with satellite imagery and a display to watch. I guess the ultimate expression of this was when senior officers lauding the system remarked,"that for the first time when an infantry leader stood, all of his unit stood in unison". Tellingly these leaders were tankers (not CAV); what infantry leader wants or values his team, squad, platoon. or company's ability to stand in unison?

These may all seem like minor or sily gripes but they go to the mindset that command depends on absolute control, which is the antithesis of intiative and adaptability.

