I am interested in hearing perspectives on Kosovo Independence, especially related to the potential impact for stability in the region and Europe in general.

A friend of mine is very much opposed to the USG support for Kosovo Independence, feeling that it creates a historical precedence that other nationalist/separatist movements will use to their advantage. I understand that this is the Russian argument. He fears that this might lead to a great deal of violenace and instability.

I don't really understand USG motives for supporting Kosovo at this time. It doesn't make sense if it's just about countering Russian influence and presence in Serbia. I don't buy the "we support people's right to self-determination and nation-hood" argument either.

I am also not convinced that the USG is ready and willing to step in and stop any violence that erupts.

If anyone has any good perspectives or news sources/analysis on these issues, I would appreciate it. I'm a novice to the subject and would like a better understanding.