I thought it made Murtha and the Prosecution look like total jackasses. I really feel for those kids being placed in that position. Regardless of how much training you do sometimes when you go "full tilt boogie" stuff happens. Mistakes were made and I'm sure they will have to deal with them for the rest of their lives. There is a big difference from intentional acts to things that occur in the heat of the moment. Major kudos to that forensics investigator who appears to have done a great job at investigating the objective facts and not just creating more ammunition for their respective paymaster.

That show should be required viewing for L.E. and ground pounders after they have some realistic training and can appreciate the feelings of tunnel vision, auditory exclusion and all the rest of that reptilian mind stuff. The problem in our polite, zero defect, society is that too many people not only don't have an understanding of history or the military but have never even been in a fight and thus can't even appreciate what happens in a fight for your life event.