Quote Originally Posted by Rank amateur View Post
...I tend to agree with that - with a few exceptions - but we do seem to spend a lot of time talking about the superior way we fight. It would be more sense - IMO - if we talked about the superior reasons why we fight.
I don't make any exceptions; just note that, immoral or not, some are necessary. I do strongly agree with your last sentence there...
I did say "it depends on how you define "we.""
That was your response to Wilf's 'we.' Since he's a Brit, one could assume he was referring to only the UK, I took it as a western or Eurocentric generic. I think stretching it beyond that would be counter to the thrust of the discussion he was engaged in. YMMV.
I can show you a western nation that sells cluster bombs to an ally who drops them on civilian areas, which I think has some moral similarity to the use of civilian shields, but if you consider those two things apples and oranges there is no sense discussing it further.
Apples and Tractor-trailers more like...
Thanks. It's always nice when someone notices that you're trying.
De Nada.