Quote Originally Posted by Uboat509 View Post
Having spent some time in both Bosnia and Albania I can say I would be very suprised if this does not result in violence. The Serbs got a bad rap for many of the things they did and deservidly so but that tends to foment the myth that everybody else was an innocent victim of Serb aggression. As far as I can tell, nobody's hands were clean. Some were dirtier than others but all have things that they would prefer be foregotten about. My point is that violence always seems to be just below the surface in the Balkans. Serpska for instance has wanted out of Bosnia pretty much since there was a Bosnia. This might very well encourage them to act. There are also other parts of Bosnia that are ethnically Croat and might well be tired of being part of a dirt poor Muslim country. I see this as setting a bad precident.

Given what has occurred over the last 48 hours - you're proven right and I'm proven wrong, again. I'll stop my prognostications

Besides the mob attacks on the closed US Embassy in Belgrade, there are reports from CNN, CFR.org, and several other sources that Serbian Army reservists "clashed" with NATO-led peacekeepers at the border checkpoint. No elaboration on what exactly "clashed" consists of, or if NATO-led means NATO forces. The NATO commander had said they had drawn up extensive plans for such a scenario - I certainly hope so.

Latest on the Serbian situation available here:




