... via a letter to the editor of the New York Times.

To the Editor:

Re “The High Price of Friendship,” by Patricia Weitsman (Op-Ed, Aug. 31):

Over the last three years, more than 12,000 Polish soldiers have served in Iraq. While the coalition in Iraq included 24 countries in 2003, that number is now lower. But Poland still remains, and since September 2003, as part of the international stabilization force, Polish forces have led the Multinational Division Central South.

In addition to providing intelligence, logistics and tactics for capturing terrorists and liquidating illegal arsenals of military equipment, Polish soldiers are helping to rebuild electric plants, water-distribution systems, roads, bridges, schools and hospitals. We are also training the Iraqi Army, police and border guards.

Poland continues to be a steadfast member of the coalition, but without some degree of financial-logistic support from the United States, this level of Polish military commitment would not be possible.

The Coalition Solidarity Fund and grants that Ms. Weitsman refers to have not covered Poland’s total expenditures on coalition operations. In fact, one-fourth of Poland’s own defense budget funds, originally earmarked for the modernization of its armed forces, was spent on the war in Iraq.

But the highest expenditure has been paid in the blood and lives of Polish soldiers, firmly demonstrating Poland’s own dedication to promoting freedom and democracy.

(Brig. Gen.) Kazimierz Sikorski
Defense, Military, Naval and Air Attaché
Embassy of Poland
Washington, Aug. 31, 2006