I think President Johnson's selection of bombing targets in Vietnam is a 40+ year old example of strategic interference with tactical decisions.

As for the media, the real problem is that at best our forces on the strategic defensive, being reactive and about six or seven news cycles behind most stories that shape the media battle space. The fact is there is no media strategy, beyond telling reporters that we will get back to them in a few days when we find out what happened. By the time that happens the mdia has moved on to a new story and the old one is forgotten.

A more proactive strategy would be to at least point out the enemy's media strategy and its various victimization offensives that turn out to be frauds. We should be actively discrediting the enemy media strategy and remind the media when they are following the enemy playbook.

One of the reasons none of this happens is that no one is in charge of shaping this non kinetic battlespace. It is entirely reactive.