To a certain extent, that's what the Christian Reformation did...allow the religion to interface better with the (for the time) modern world. I suspect it will get off the ground (and most likely has, given the tone of the article), but it's important that the "instant gratification" folks put on the strongest muzzle they can find and sit in the corner until it's done.

Something like this is going to take time, especially in a culture and framework where time has a different context and meaning than we typically use. And as Rob hints, there will be violence associated with it. I honestly don't think that can be debated. It might not happen in Turkey (where there is a working identity framework that can to an extent support such changes), but it will happen elsewhere. It's going to be hard for the West to keep focused on the context of these changes, IMO. We can only hinder them, not help them, if we get involved (or if it LOOKS LIKE we're getting involved).