I often thought that the single most effective thing we could have done in the struggle against Islamic radical fundamentalism was to teach every Muslim in the CENTCOM AO to read Arabic. I was stunned when I realized that many of the poor souls who emerge from so-called madrassas can't even read the Koran, having been taught by equally ignorant mullahs. All they know is what they have been told is in their own holy book - and often that is at odds with what a reasonable person might draw from the text.
As others have pointed out, there are obvious historical parallels: Christianity in the Middle Ages, when illiterate priests parroted a Latin they did not understand from Bibles that were themselves corrupted versions of the original texts. At least they had the discipline of a 'mother' church that obviated the worst deviations.
But, happy as I am to see something like this being done, I hope we don't touch it with a ten-foot thumb drive. Fiddling with the text is likely to cause a huge amount of unrest in both the long and short-runs. Associating with it in any way will not help our cause.