Quote Originally Posted by magnusmaximus View Post
1. Is it in the US' interest to support Israel?

2. It is clear that US support of Israel increases anti-Americanism in the Middle East and distrubs the US' relationship with Arab countries. It definetly makes the US more unpopular in Iraq and Afghanistan, and possibly aggravates violence and/or creates terrorists in the said countries.

3. What does Israel give in return? Is it worth it?
1. Yes, because Israel has an absolute right to exist.
2. Rubbish, and even if it were true, what's your point? Doing the right thing is always the hardest thing to do.
3. Israel doesn't have to give anything in return. Do the Bosnian Muslims, or the victims of the Rwandan Genocide owe anybody anything? Does the US issue an invoice every time it does something good?