Quote Originally Posted by JJackson View Post
1. Why? and why does the same not apply to Palestine?
2. You have to be kidding. US support of Israel is the Islamic Terrorists equivalent of the 'Your country needs you' recruiting poster. Why do you thing unquestioning support of Israel is 'doing the right thing' rather than an attempt to broker a genuine compromise solution.
3. Fair enough - the US gives lots and gets little in return but that is their mistake to make. I am sure the (surviving) Tutsis owe no one anything because very little was done for them to thank us for
1. It applies to any state, the US wants it to and is not fanatically anti-US. Who else should Israel have looked to to guarantee its right to exist? There is no country called Palestine, and when there is, (and I hope for that day) it will most probably committed against the US, like Syria and Iran.

2. Again, so what if it is? US forces being present in Saudi-Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan are far more inflammatory than the US support for Israel. Why would anyone care if extremists are offended?

How does Israel, have any less right to US Support than Egypt and/or Jordan? - who both receive substantial support.

I don't object to someone asking the question. I strongly object to Israel being used as the sole example, because it implies that Israel has less right to US security guarantees than other nations.