The hyperbole continues and will likely increase further as we get closer to October 1, 2008. This article (short as it is), starts to link kinetic damage to cyber damage, and brings in the transnational aspects of cyber warfare. Still nobody seems to really be getting the doctrinal issues and that that fighting cyber warfare isn't like dropping bombs, or other stand off weapons. Cyber warfare in my opinion is like counter insurgency.

From the following page

If you don’t think cyber warfare could be a major problem in the future, then NATO would like to change your mind.

At a conference in London last week, Suleyman Anil, the man charged with guarding NATO from cyber attacks, told the Guardian,
"Cyber defense is now mentioned at the highest level along with missile defence and energy security. We have seen more of these attacks and we don't think this problem will disappear soon. Unless globally supported measures are taken, it can become a global problem."

Anil told the E-Crime congress that it was costing less for hackers to mount attacks, while the amount of damage they could inflict was increasing. The biggest trend of recent years is cyber terrorism, as shown by the attacks on Estonian government sites last year.

But there have been many attacks, including those on government sites in Australian and Britain and on the Pentagon. American officials believe they’re the work of a Chinese-sponsored group which they’ve dubbed Titan Rain.
Of course, identifying the shadowy people behind the attacks is almost impossible. But people in power do understand how real the threat is – the US government has allocated $6 billion to strengthen systems against attack.