Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
I'm surprised it's taken this long, but the "neocon" architects of the Iraq disaster seemed to have agreed on an alibi and it is---drum roll--the "stab in the back."
Back when I was studying politics, I came across a tactic labeled "The Big Lie". This involves putting out a Bravo Sierra story and then having it spun out via as many media streams as possible. It relies on the "if there's smoke, there's fire" meme that operates in most cultures, and takes advantage of the joy most humans get out of feeling they lie in a world governed by conspiracies. I can't remember where I heard the corollary, but it goes something like "we all love conspiracies because to wake up and realize that our governments are full of bunglers and twits who we elected" .

Needless to say, most politicians are well aware of this and know how to take advantage of it .