Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
forget that but if we do it will be at significant downstream cost to the Armed Forces. I will caveat that by stating the obvious and noting that it IS imperative that said Armed Forces not contribute to the opposition's IO effort by doing dumb things...

Eets not our yob.
Sorry doctrinely and historically you and Wilf are both wrong.

IO is not merely passive nor purely non-lethal. It involves physical destruction of communications systems and networks as well as PSYOP.

PSYOP is lethal and we do PSYOP as a military tool. If you have any doubt that PSYOP is lethal, look at the Rwandan genocide or the use of suicide bombers.

You can say it is not our job until the cows come home. We have always done it in various fashion and we will continue to do it.

Where we fail in particular in this IO effort is a lack of synchronization between what occurs via the military, the political, and yes, the economic.
