Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
...And I ain't even gonna get into the Law Enforcement issues that came out of this.
Our Sheriff sent a crew over and they came back with horror stories about NOPD. Youngest son's Brother in Law went down from GA as Firefighter/Paramedic and he has a few as well and some scathing commentary on the LAArNG...

The one big similarity between Andrew and Katrina was the reluctance of the Governors from one party to ask the President from another party for help. In Andrew, Governor Chiles refused for three days to ask for Federal Assistance; the only thing that got him off the dime was the then Adjutant General of the Florida Guard threatening to resign and go public with why. IMO, for politicians to politicize a disaster is criminal.

That doesn't even address the blithering stupidity and culpability of all the mainstream media in reporting both Hurricanes -- but Katrina was a textbook example of how not to do it...