Quote Originally Posted by Ranger94 View Post
We will do more good if we educate the Sgt's and below.

It is my understanding from my readings in SWJ and my experience in combat is that if tactical actions are elevated to 0-3 level (other than briefings) then I have failed as a Jr. COIN leader.

To put it another way, if I as a team leader or squad leader, if I fail to see the stratigic implications of a "shot fired" then I have failed.

I am still reading 3.24 and "Eating Soup...". and hoping I get it all
Getting those in higher positions to buy off on the risk and subsequent necessity for occasional imperfection or mistakes not being the end of ones career for NCO's will be pretty hard to get. Officers already carry immense responsibility in their own jobs let alone in CI type environments. The'll have a hard time being comfortable with such a thing unless there is a good training and education base to show that those NCO's should be able to do it. Without that they will probably be wary of placing too much on their NCO's shoulders.
Just my thought but I could be wrong on this one as things may have changed in that respect in the last few years