The bottom line on strategic corporals is this:

Can you find the guy who can take commander's intent, key tasks, and endstate and run with it? The onus is on the leader to make a realistic, feasible, and reasonable intent and endstate backed up by quantifiable tasks that are achievable.

Empowering the young professionals below you to accomplish your end by whatever ethical and moral means possible is the essence of the strategic corporal. The young soldier who takes his job seriously, is professional, and, above all, competent, can do this with great ease if he's allowed to by his superiors.

In practicality, this works best when you don't have a micromanaging neolith in the position of greater responsibility; rather, someone confident enough of his own abilities as a leader to not get involved in every last detail and, most importantly, someone who knows his soldiers well enough to understand their strengths and weaknesses and place them in positions where they'll flourish.