Quote Originally Posted by Cavguy View Post
Since coming to my most recent job I've been a witness to some heated statements about Effects Based Operations from lots of intelligent people. It seems there are three camps - those who think it is the best things since sliced bread, those who think it's a concept that briefs well but is intellectually bankrupt in application, and those (like myself) who get lost because we don't understand the arguments.

I will state up front I have done no detailed reading or research on EBO and understand only the outlines of it. I understand it competes with and/or is compatible with Center of Gravity analysis, which I am very familiar with

What intrigues me is that a number of the smartest COIN thinkers I know are completely opposed to EBO as a model, usually spouting extremely dismissive comments. I also noticed that EBO proponents tend to argue that if we all just moved to EBO, the war would be over.

So I'm asking the community the following:

  • Is there a good overview/primer (short) on EBO?
  • Where has EBO been effectively used? Are there case studies? Why do the advocates think it is superior?
  • What are the intellectual/application flaws of EBO? I see a lot of complaints, but no one has explained to me why it is the devil's creation.
  • Should or should it not be used by forces as a planning model?

Genuinely interested in the feedback.
A few years ago, I proposed an EBO way of thinking about COIN based on psychological effects. (Of course, that certainly does not invalidate your point that "the smartest COIN thinkers...are completely opposed to EBO as a model). See pp. 25-26 of my 2004 SSI study. I initially developed this off the top of my head at a TRADOC workshop. The JFCOM rep there (an Air Force guy) nearly had an orgasm. I'm a bit surprised that it hasn't gained any traction, but I haven't been pushing it much.