Quote Originally Posted by Rank amateur View Post
From Abu Muqawama:

"Not too long ago, a very smart friend of this blog with years of experience in Iraq since 2003 wrote that Iraq was not merely an insurgency but a competition for power and resources."

Is Iraq Still an Insurgency? from Wired

Raises the question: if it's not binary, is it still an insurgency?
The feeling that although the outcomes may not seem to great up front that several things were accomplished here which might not be too bad.

1- As many have said centarl Govt had to stand up in some way at some point and one wouldn't exactly expect them to not work in tandem with groups they have strong ties to so mot really as surprising as maybe somewhat dismaying.

2- The fact that these elections will happen whether present elected officials like it or not and that they will be as fair and free as it is possible for us to ensure seems like it has been made abundantly clear to them. Also a good thing.

3- As far as close ties to Iran go thats a good thing if Iraq is to actually have any kind of impact on Iranian affairs. The key thing that seems to be being left out of most media is that Iran is going to be in it one way or another if for no other reason than the many ties between the tribes,etc. One won't change this but when Iraq demonstrates that it is capable of dealing with interference from them without falling apart than they have to become partners rather than trying to control. This might also encourage some of the political actors within Iran to work more solidly towards goals we might all be able to agree on. Do we negotiate with them? I would say no because as long as they actively engage against our efforts in Iraq and elsewhere they should expect to recieve what they give.

4- If I know you will run when I confront you does that mean I shouldn't bother confronting you or does it maybe mean I should consider first your lines of retreat