All Africa

A deal is being negotiated in Zimbabwe in which President Robert Mugabe would step down after being in power for nearly 28 years, news agencies reported Tuesday.
Business Day

IF YOU have been able to make sense of what is being said about tomorrow’s elections in Zimbabwe, you deserve to win the lottery this weekend. I confess that I lack the intellectual tools to analyse an election that is not going to be free...

Mugabe ‘buys votes’ with cars for doctors

facing the toughest election battle of his 28 years in power, handed out hundreds of cars to doctors yesterday in what opponents said was more blatant vote-buying.

The main opposition group said it had uncovered more evidence that Mugabe planned to rig Saturday’s presidential election...
Zimbabwe parties deny deal on Mugabe exit

HARARE (Reuters) - Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai and the Zimbabwean government both strongly denied on Tuesday that they were in talks to arrange the resignation of veteran President Robert Mugabe after Saturday's election.

"There is no discussion and this is just a speculative story," Tsvangirai said in response to media reports that Mugabe was about to step down in a deal with his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

Earlier a U.S. State Department official, referring to the media reports, told reporters: "I know there were discussions that were going on but we will see what happens and when it happens."