Keep doing what you're's great work - and needed! It's amazing how many people still don't believe it's possible (or right) for our Soldiers to do this stuff. Most people here are believers (hence the "so what?")...hopefully we can use their collective knowledge and constructive criticism to strengthen our message and spread the word.
Yeppers, this is good stuff and important work, no matter how you look at it. I'm kind of gruffy like Ken White that if you sit back and look at these things, many of them are basics that sadly have to be learned over and over, or forged new outright, because we just don't work the basics well.

I remember in the Infantry Officer Course that the instructor staff put out this bound reader of sorts, with articles from all over the place that spoke to the business of being a good platoon commander. In this day and age of .pdfs and point papers, does anyone know of a good COIN reader that encompases these AARs, TTPs, smart cards, etc. and is current as of say 12 months ago? There are some good handbooks, but the ones like the SOSO handbook I can recall from 4 years ago is woefully out of date when it comes to many of the non-kinetic issues.