Think you've well stated the current dilemma -- and it is that. The Advisor Corps isn't going to fly -- and, IMO, should not. I have to disagree with John on adding more SF Groups, they're having quality problems manning the current force structure. He is correct in saying that even were they expanded, they could not do it all.

Thus you're stuck with ad-hoc ways of getting the conventional Army to do the Advisory job when it's required. The best single thing that could be done to improve that capability is a rapid language course...

In whatever language is required in the future. Of course, my solution is don't do COIN and advising on a major level; we really don't do it well at all. Never have and that is unlikely to change. We haven't got the patience for it and one can't do that kind of stuff even marginally well if one's going to have short tours and 15 months is a short tour; 12 months is also. Seven months or less is just a visit.

We need to convince folks that hosting people who wish us ill is uncool. Best way to do that is to visit those that do so in a an unpleasant mode, wreak major destruction and leave rapidly -- saying be nice or we'll be back.