with one of the Salvadoran Immediate Reaction Battalions - all 1200 soldiers. It simply was too expensive to continue.

The School of the Americas and its successor, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, generally trained soldiers and officers in individual skills. USARSA, when it was in Panama, did run courses for classes of a number of Latin American military academies usually given at the end of pre-commisioning. Another feature of USARSA was its Guest Instructor program where Latin American officers were integrated into the faculty.

That said, neither USARSA nor WHINSEC are really effective training programs for large units. We also did some police training - I think for Haiti - on certain US Army posts with courses run by both military and police. Again, it is expensive and I'm not sure how effective it is. The best one seems to have been the Salvadoran but it took a big chunk of 7th SFG to do it and was, as I said, prohibitively expensive.
