Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
And that is where advising differs from training. The advisor lives and fights with his counterparts; the trainer gives the training in the field or classroom and then is done.
Need not be that way. We used to send our AC battalion that was detailed to do RC training support to beautiful Camp Shelby, MS to live and work with their ARNG counterparts for the duration of the summer AT sessions--they lived, worked, and played together for the duration.

BTW, I was not trying to be flippant with my point about clarifying the goal. I was suggesting that we do not seem to have unity of purpose between the MTT plan and the overall plan for our commitments in the AOR, probably because IMHO we do not seem to have a clearly articulated and consistent set of goal statements. It is pretty hard to plan and execute an operation successfully without a clear and consistent mission statement/statement of commander's intent.