Gents I can only ask that you read through the Attached Pamphlet --The Long War, Send in the Marines. It can answer your questions far better than I could.

But to summarize:

27 Inf Bn's total. 18 conducting full spectrum training. 9 foward deployed--3 UDP/3 MEU/ 3 SC MAGTF. Giving the Corps a 1:2 deployed to dwell (recovery & refit) rotation.

The SC -MAGTF is task organized around an Inf Bn. Prepared for Full spectrum operations. Optimized for Security Cooperation. Deploys to a Forward Operating Site (like Rota Spain) and sends out detachments throughout a designated AOR. Available for re-aggregation and redeployment to meet contingencies. This is and remains a General Purpose Force.

The SC-MAGTF expands the Corps capabilites into the lower end of the expeditionary force spectrum to increase and sustain forward presence, while retaining the ability to reorient for more traditional missions. It is NOT a replacement for the MEU. It is a seperate entity but capable of working with and or in support of the MEU, or to be reassigned to a MEB or MEF for larger operations. The SC-MAGTF will be tied into the Naval GFS to facilitate operations with amphibs, HSV's and MSC shipping to provide forward presence via seabasing. It is considered Distributed Operations.

Distributed operations meaning-general purpose forces, operating with deliberate dispersion, where necessary and tactically prudent , with de-centralized decsion-making consistent with commander's intent to achieve specific advantages over an enemy. A technique applied to an appropriate situation wherein units are seperated beyond the limits of mutual support. When facing irregular forces or forces operating in complex terrain, distributed operations allow the commander to expand his area of influence. During Security cooperation the decentralized action will permit wider, more diverse application of power and influence. This same capability can be leveraged to enable rapid re-aggregation or reinforcement where military power projection must be quickly applied.