If one goes by the events and news, it is too early to know exactly how things will pan out.

The visit of Negroponte on the day the Prime Minister was being sworn in has not gone down well with the Pakistan people of the media. It appeared as if the US was there to dictate terms and was in the 'driver's seat'.

The PM, Gilani said, after a gap of some days, that terrorists will be taken to task, but had a rider that he would be ready to talk to them!

Musharraf was more categorical and uncompromising.

Nawaz Sharif is known to be with the Islamists and more so, having lived in exile in Saudi Arabia, the home of Wahaabism!!

Therefore, the power centres are in contradictory voices.

Musharraf's position is shaky.

Gilani cannot survive without Nawaz Sharif's Support.

And Nawaz Sharif is no friend of the WoT.

Therefore, one has to wait and watch.