Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
Not a hope in hell the UK will intervene, nor the Commonwealth, nor South Africa. As for the C141 for evacuation of foreign nationals, how many are left and the road south is open. I doubt if either Mugabe or his successor would welcome C141 anyway.

I was hinting towards airlifting intervention forces (para commandos) with the 141s much like Zaire in the 70s and 90s We could work on permission from Mugabe slightly later.

Of course Zaire's airport was literally dysfunctional due in larger part to a 'self evacuation' by airport personnel, so the para commandos jumped in and maintained security and operations for military aircraft. The brunt of the evacuations took place with ferries into Brazzaville.

Evacuating tens of thousands of foreigners in Zimbabwe will be a daunting logistical problem and only the US has heavy military airlift for say a brigade

With Zanu-PF supporting a run-off and calling for recounts for 16 parliamentary seats, there's little left to imagine happening.

BTW, you're correct about the availability of Starlifters...I think the last flight was in 2006 following the evacuation of New Orleans and Gulf Coast residents displaced by Hurricane Katrina.

Regards, Stan