Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
This idea would work if the trouble spots were small, like Grenada, but what if it is Sierra Leone? Seems like an ink spot strategy. How about using the concept as a civil and military training team, like the once lauded BMATT, er in Zimbabwe?

Sounds nice, even better inside the Beltway and in reality a poor choice.

From my armchair.


This action is already being done and has already been done on a not so coherent basis at least since 2000.

To get a good Idea of how it would look you have to look at Deployments like Unitas, WATC, & LF CARAT.

In these deployments a composite MAGTF Detachment of Marines based around an Inf Comp. deploys to multiple countries conducting various operations from Bi & Multi-Lateral training to Civil Projects and Security Contingency Ops.

I think many ppl are over complicating the deployment.

Its a very simple deployment that Marines are very accustomed to. Just now part of a more cohesive & coherent Strategy.