Hi Eden,

Quote Originally Posted by Eden View Post
While the level of repartee and rapier-like wit is gratifying...really, it's like having a seat at the Algonquin Round Table...could someone give us ignorant folks a paragraph or two on what exactly makes Mr. Feith the dastardly ignoramus he appears to be?
Some of it comes from the fact that he was one of the primary architects of the push to invade Iraq and is now attempting to blame everything that went wrong on other people. Basically, he is taking no responsibility for his actions at all. What is even worse, at least for me, is that he seems to have convinced himself that he is not to blame - either that or he is an excellent liar (which is possible...). At best, he is self-deluded and, as with many charismatic ideologues, invites others to share in that delusion.