Quote Originally Posted by Cavguy View Post
Interesting thread.

I'm currently slaving away at a presentation for the Armor Conference next month - I'm making a presentation that cuts to the core of what is discussed in this thread.

The panel topic is "Role of Heavy Forces in Irregular Warfare". After great thought, I decided to present along the following points:
All excellent points. Additionally I think I'd be inclined to view the issue from one of '"restricted force." Why can't I use my tank(s) to full effect? Terrain has normally been seen as that factor that most effects the employment of armour.

I suggest that "human terrain" is now the one that most greatly prevents amour doing what it was designed to do while still being an important element of combined arms action against insurgents. - and this might beg the question, as to "human terrain" (we need a better term - human terrain sounds silly) and how it flows across all types of conflict (- same as types of enemies)