Eden, I share your concerns on the Officer corps but having seen the same accelerated promotions during Korea and Viet Nam, am probably slightly more comfortable that most -- not all -- of them will work out. Sigh. One of the penalties of being old...

This from you:
The bottom line on this is that we are still organized to fight WWIII; our personnel, training, acquisition, and doctrinal systems have not been changed to reflect current circumstances. This is why everything seems to have become an adhocracy as we struggle to circumvent - rather than modify - the system. This will, eventually, lead to a train wreck of some sort.
Is way too true. I have heard that efforts to change the organizational structure and the doctrinal systems are underway -- logically, the training and acquisition processes will follow. Worrisome is the fact that no one seems to be addressing the Per system.

WM, as 'Enery 'Iggins said, "I do believe you've got it!"