Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
Since I've become a serial ranter here (imagine a less charming version of Lewis Black), I can just gather up all of these crumbs into a review. Here's my lead:

The book is a wellspring of invaluable information intertwined with one of the most unreflective apologias ever packaged as a memoir. The people generally considered to be most responsible for American strategy--President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld--are portrayed as prescient and blameless. Colin Powell, George Tenet, the organizations each of them led, and, to a degree, the uniformed military are the culprits stabbing the administration in the back, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Well it certainly offers a clear bottom line up front. I would certainly prefer reading your review over reading this work of historical fiction. I wonder what his students think of him. Then again maybe they don't think.

