My only real complaint with pay today is BAH. IMO everyone should be afforded the same basic standard of living. Every soldier at a particular base should receive the same. Doesn't make sense that the higher ranking I get the more I get for housing. I believe we should all be afforded the same standard and as I get promoted if I want to exceed that, it is up to me to use my money to do so.

If I take my BAH and BAS out of my check, I make far less than any civilian counterpart who has been doing the same job for as long as I have. (16 years).

My final say on the matter is, I am at a point where I do not make bad money, but it does not make up for the times I've missed. In 9 years I have been home for 1 of my daughters birthdays. Rarely get to participate in her school activities, parent teacher conferences, etc... I will be the first to say "Yes I chose to do this and continue to choose to do this because it's what I enjoy doing and is the right thing to do." Is there more money in the private sector for me, definately but money isn't everything. You have to find a balance.

To address those on the tooth and those on the tail.....well in a perfect world those on the tooth would be paid accordingly and those on the tail would as well. I and my co-workers ask why we choose this over some in the rear with the gear job. Answer is quite simple, we don't know, somehow we are wired to enjoy our life and job over easier ones, it's in our nature.