Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
Thanks a lot--I'd gone all morning without anything pushing my blood pressure into the red zone.
Now Steve, you know I only posted it when the sensors mentioned that your blood pressure was dropping to unacceptably low levels !

Quote Originally Posted by SteveMetz View Post
Summary of the blog entry: "It would really irritate me if people doing policy relevant research had more money than I do for my irrelevant research."
LOLOL - One line from the speech that really caught my attention was
The government and the Department of Defense need to engage additional intellectual disciplines – such as history, anthropology, sociology, and evolutionary psychology.
Evolutionary psychology? Man, perilously close to bringing biology back into Anthropology - something that is generally verbotten (see here from here). Actually, I thought the SM entry was pretty mild on the whole .

There are some very interesting, IM, areas in this proposed consortium including a number that I would really like to work on since they tie diretly into my own research. Then again, the likelihood that my university would join or that DoD would even consider accepting a Canadian university is prety darn low .