In the Iraqi Cafe's and streets there was a fusion of pop and classic middle east music that was pretty interesting. The videos showed alot more skin than I was expecting....about 95% of the people on the street in Mosul were men. After about 7 girls disappered and the only other women I would see looked to be about 60 or so with tribal tattoos on their faces.

For us Americans it was your favorite music back at the hooch and HALO until about 12 or 1 in the morning (on the big-screens) first prayer and the first round of incoming arond 3 or 4 came quickly. As a geezer I watched more HALO than played because the younger generation is/was much better than I at HALO and they quickly became bored with toasting me...

There were quite a bit of bootleg movies out for sale on the could tell someone was recording it in a movie theater with a camera but it added to the charm...