of their and other media outlets promotion of the views of many former Intelligence Community personages who wrote many OpEds in the Times itself in addition to their TV appearances. I'm sure they'll be equally forthcoming about the totally unbiased and straightforward defense of Intel shortfalls by those paragons of virtue.

This from the article linked:
"The decision recalled other administration tactics that subverted traditional journalism. Federal agencies, for example, have paid columnists to write favorably about the administration. They have distributed to local TV stations hundreds of fake news segments with fawning accounts of administration accomplishments. The Pentagon itself has made covert payments to Iraqi newspapers to publish coalition propaganda."(emphasis added / kw)
is particularly rich coming from that bastion of journalistic integrity.

I'm not at all surprised that some of these former officers now admit that what they were saying on TV was apparently not what they were really thinking. Though I would posit that most of them are saying that in hindsight. I'd also submit that to expect unbiased commentary from anyone who's devoted 20 plus years of their life to any organization or calling, military or intelligence, is to expect more than will ever be delivered...

Not to mention that to expect journalistic integrity from US news media is expecting more than will be delivered.

Does this really pass the so-what test?