Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
Does this really pass the so-what test?
It does for me in a huge way.

While I accept that the American media is not perfect, it is better than most of the rest and it is a pillar of our democracy. Too, reporters for major newspapers do not generally work on the side for large corporations.

This also plays large in the field of civil-military relations in that one would hope that the American people listen to these senior officers and GOs for their analysis with the assumption that it is relatively objective and truthful to their knowledge and experience as military officers. What this story points to is that honesty and objectivity has been severely tainted by their connections to big defense corporations and to the Administration.

You know Ken after Yochi Dreazen's WSJ article on me a few weeks ago I must have gotten 5-6 interview requests to appear on major national news shows. I turned them all down for various reasons. But if I had gone on them, or if I do someday when I retire, the only thing that I got going for me is colonel's pay, a few bucks saved over the years in mutual funds, a little piece of rental property down the road, and my family. No links to the big boys so the analysis they would get from me would be my ideas not tied to any special interest.

If Ken White writes a post on this blog even if I disagree with it I trust it because it comes from the mind and heart of Ken White. Now when I read something or hear something from many of these GOs, I wont trust it.

Remember MG Scales's oped in the WSJ (I think) of a few months ago where he talked about finally turning a corner or a tipping point in Iraq? I disagreed with it when it came out, but now I dont trust it to boot.

I think he has already deployed with his battalion but it would be nice to see a post from Paul Yingling on this matter.
