I think a key point to remember is that this entire discussion centers around time and...well...time, really.

Communications revolutions make it possible for commanders to "help" in real time. It also makes it possible for an opponent to spread propaganda and exploit situations through the media in real time (or damned close to it). I'm still not totally convinced that this is a 4GW thing. It may rather be the logical extension of the 3GW OODA loop run at a higher speed because new technology allows it to do so.

I don't know that I'd necessarily call your reply a call for effects based operations, Bill. Personally I tend to consider some of the points you mentioned (public opinion, home front, and so on) as centers of gravity in a more pure, non-monolithic sense. To me a center of gravity is not a fixed location or thing, but rather a number of shifting priorities that change based on your opponent. I also don't think the intent of maneuver warfare was necessarily cold war in focus (at least as the Marine Corps originally discussed it...what it turned into is something else again). But I digress...

With the media, that requires a much more aggressive stance than we seem prepared to take. As mentioned in another thread, I feel very strongly that we should be VERY aggressive when it comes to IO. Things like our opponents routinely beheadding captives, committing atrocities, and the like, should be pushed forward vigorously. I know there are some out there who dislike this approach for a number of reasons, but it is the best way of seperating us from them in simple IO terms. It also has a handy internal focus of explaining "why we're fighting," something that the leadership has been reluctant to deal with since the end of World War II if you want to get really picky about it.