Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
Fantastic blast from the past, Marc ! I listened to that several times at the Belgian military attache's house (despite the fact he had never seen a real Thompson (Zaire was mysteriously equipped with M3 greaseguns ).

BTW, Tom was our team's Warren Zevon fanatic
I can believe that -it's so "in character" !

Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
I'll assume you recall this famous song as well:

Machine Gun (Jimi Hendrix song) which debuted in 69 as a protest song to the Vietnam War
Yup. Growing up in the '60's in Toronto (with a radical feminist for a mother) exposed me to a lot of the anti-war songs. By the time I was 12, I had Hair memorized .

One thing that has been floating around in my back brain is that therejust don't seem to be any major civilian songs about the current wars either pro or con. Okay, a few Dixie Chicks ones, but nothing like the 60's anti-war songs or the WW II songs (hey, unlike Ken, I do like Vera Lynn). I find that somehat indicative of a social disconnect, but I'm not sure what to make of it.