
A few quick points on what OE said:

1) not every where we do SFA is to prop up, or rebuild a failing government - sometimes it is about enhancing a state with the capability and capacity to govern itself, but with an eye to taking a more responsible and active regional role - building capacity for coalitions.

2) However, if its in a state where the enemy is considering for safehaven, or recruiting, or for any purpose that enhances his freedom of movement and resources, we need to place it in the context of priorities - as OE said, our efforts must be aimed where we get the most in return, but sometimes it might require thinkning in terms of preventing the enemy from getting returns. There are ends with regard to your own, with regard to your allies, and others, and ends with regard to your enemy.

3) There are other reasons beyond the war against extremism to conduct SFA (remember its does not just touch FID, but SA and SC depending on why you are doing it and in support of what end - its a framework). If you are interested I can lay them out, but suffice to say, they have not changed all that much in a couple of thousand years.

Now before OE tracks me down on my pass - prior to me taking off for Carlisle and UQ 08 for 2 weeks - I'm taking the family out for chow

Best, Rob