Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
And the whole exercise is indicative of why State has difficulty relating to other organizations. The "Foreign Policy" elitist school is clearly at work here. There is not one military or defense figure from any country listed in the 100. There is not a single leader in the business world listed among the "intellectuals". Al Gore is the single example of a US poltical "intellectual"? Samantha Power is a world class intellectual?

Steven Colbert might be too high speed

Go with Alfred E. Neuman
Did you miss Dave Petraeus? I suspect the lack of business folks has to do with the nature of the list--it is "public" figures--that is folks who are paid by the public, not-for profit sector. Larry Ellison and Jack Welsh are private sector, for-profit kind of folks. Nonetheless, your point is well taken. I don't dispute that circumscribing the list to "public" figures is a receipe for disaster