
Know that feeling. It tends to focus one on the task at hand.

Question for the board. It has been a long time since I ran a 13 man Marine Rifle Squad. 1961 or there abouts. After reading this long and insightful discussion on the Rifle Squad, I haven't seen a word about inter squad comm equipment.

Coming from the old school of "Follow Me" and pride in my ability to "BELLOW" orders and a great command of hand and arm signals, I knew the first time I was trying to run a squad through a life fire exercise that voice, and hand signals were not an efficient way to do the job. Standing up and yelling and standing up and making eye contact to pass on hand signals got many a man shot.

Is there a tactical inter Squad comm net available for rifle squads to use to improve efficiencya nd surivability?

This question is an obvious one and I'm curious why we are not talking about communications down to the rifle man.

3 four man fire teams to a squad gives great manueverbility and a lot of fire power. In my day the B.A.R. was the base of fire volume for assualting fixed positions if we didn't have a brace of LMG 30 assigned to our rifle platoon for that coverage.

Wouldn't a comm connect between the SL and all the squads troops be a necessary enhancement.

I realize that there are multiple radio security issues, but in todays electronic wizard era a simple, and safe commo connection should be do able.