The officer Corp and civilian leadership has a lot to awnser for in Iraq, its true. We have done a bad job in many different areas. But, most have made desicions on what they thought was best and tried to go foward to complete the mission that we were handed. If these gentlemen feel that they were given a bad mission or were not given the support they needed, then they can and should speakout. Wheter you disagree or agree, it is important to listen to all sides of an arguement. Personal attacks and pot shots, 90% of the time don't mean a thing. I respect some of these men as fellow proffessionals, and will make my own judgement on what they think. Maybe Rumsfeld should go, or maybe he should stay and we should refocus in on the current conflict. Whatever you think thats fine. But, to ingnore these men, espiecally Col. Hammes, is wrong, dead wrong.