Hi Folks,

Bill mentioed that he would like to see drafts of the work Tom is talking about, and so would I.

You know, I think that we probably are in the process of breaking new ground. I am going to be tied up with other things (teaching, meeting with students, choir practices) until Friday, so I probably won't have much time to make posts. What I am thinking about now is that Bill mentioned that "beliefs" may not quite be there, and I think he's right. The only wording I could put on it now would sound hopelessly theoretical, and I want a chance to mull it over. I think that I will go back to the Malinowski book I mentioned and see if I can get any insights out of how to operationalize "belief change" (as opposed to regime change? ).

I'll try and put together a cheet sheet on Malinowski's ideas and make it available for everyone.
